Parents who wish to apply for admission should obtain the brochure and application from the admissions department. You can call the admissions office: - 06658-222333, 8249936733 and request for a school visit.
Criteria for submission of application form
The duly completed application form must be submitted in the School Office on or before the stipulated date.
The following documents should accompany the form:
•Certified copy of School Report of the previous academic year (if applicable).
•Three passport size photographs and two stamp size photographs of the student. Two photograph of each of the parents.
•One certified copy of Child’s Birth Certificate.
•One certified copy each of details including dates and grades of any Public/Board Examinations already taken (if applicable).
•Copy of the T.C.
•Original documents of the submitted photocopies should be made available upon request for verification.
The mere submission of an application form does not guarantee admission to the school. A Admission test will be conducted to access the academic ability of student.